Foil wrapped salmon with herbs and lemon

Fish are a great idea to diversify your camp menu. They are easy to prepare, delicious and first of all – healthy. They don’t stay fresh for long so it is best to prepare them for the first dinner. We have a tradition in Basecamp Emalco to start every camping with big dinner and to feast with salmon and wheat beer.

While serving fishes it is also very important how you prepare them and with what type of additives. It is said that the seasonings are as important as the type of the fish and they play an important role in cooking. So remember to take proper herbal seasoning while packing for a camp.

Today we present an easy recipe for a salmon with herbs and lemon!

What you’ll need:

  • 4 salmon filets
  • 8 slices of lemon
  • 4 tablespoon of Dijon mustard
  • bunch of dill
  • bunch of tarragon
  • 4 tablespoons of butter
  • 2 garlic gloves, minced
  • 1 shallot, sliced
  • olive oil
  • sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper
  • tin foil

How to prepare grilled salomon with herbs and lemon:

Season salmon filets with sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper. Spread one tablespoon of dijon mustard on the tops of each salmon filet. Add two lemon slices, tarragon and dill, a few slices of shallot, 1 tablespoon of butter, and some garlic on each salmon filet. Spread the tops of the filets with an olive oil. Wrap salmon filets in tin-foil and then put them directly into fire or on a grill. Grill for around 10 minutes until salmon is cooked.

What to serve with salmon on a camp?

The most popular additives to salmon are grilled vegetables like: zucchini, tomatoes, pepper. Cut the vegetables into thick slices and grill for around 5 minutes. Add herbs like rosemary, coarse sea salt and pepper. At the end sprinkle the olive oil and serve.


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